energy effficient home

Is My Home Energy Efficient?

You hear it all the time—buy energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment to lower your Texas utility bills!

But what about creating an energy-efficient home?


Electrical Inspections Versus Tune-Ups

Collaborate with A Team Solution Services for all your electrical needs—you’ll save money and reduce your carbon footprint. Together, we can keep Texas beautiful.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. Woman plugging electric charger into car.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Whether you own an all-electric vehicle (EV) or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), A Team Solution Services can help. We can install, replace, or repair your EV charging station so that you can quickly charge your electric vehicle in the comfort of your Texas home!

What Is a GFCI? A man testing and looking at wires.

Electrical System Maintenance Can Save Your Health and Home

You flick a switch or plug into an outlet and expect immediate, safe results. When your electrical system works well, it runs appliances, lights your Austin home, powers technology, and drives heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment.

What Is a GFCI?

What Is a GFCI?

We all take electricity for granted in just about every moment of our modern lives. From our coffee makers to our motion-detecting night lights, we are surrounded by the wonders of electricity in everything we do. We see it as a necessity and a very safe part of our homes, offices, and recreation.