Investing in You, Not Big Corporations

At A Team Home Services, we believe that our growth should be driven by the trust and relationships we’ve built with you—not by handing over marketing dollars to large corporations. That’s why we created our referral program. When you share your experience with friends and family, we’d rather reward you directly for helping us grow.

How It Reflects Our Values

  • Integrity: We’re doing what’s right by thanking those who make a real impact—our customers.
  • Reliability: You can count on us to follow through, just as you can count on our service.
  • Compassion: This program helps us grow in a way that prioritizes you, our valued customer, over impersonal ad platforms.

How It Works

  • Earn $50 for every friend, family member, or neighbor who books a job.
  • Receive 5% of their job total, capped at a $1,000 reward, when their project is completed.
  • Flexible Rewards: Your referral earnings aren’t store credit. You can choose to redeem them as gift cards (e.g., Amazon) or even receive cash.


Refer your neighbor for a lighting installation and get $50. If their project totals $3,000, you’ll earn another $150—and they’ll enjoy premium service from a company that values community. Redeem your $200 reward as an Amazon gift card, cash, or another option you prefer.